Summary of Wave Theory
(Continued —
Page 20)
Accordingly, every type of signal has corresponding
loci on both sides of the brain (picture below, please click
on the picture for a detailed chart).

Click on picture for a detailed chart
The most beautiful aspect of our
brain is its ability to instantly arouse any of its parts
to recall a past experience. The energy in the cerebellum
enables the brain to locate the site. We can then shuffle
back and forth instantaneously like a VCR, remembering all
sorts of details, even as far back as the distinct smells
of our grandmother's apartment. As discussed, the activities
of energetic matter are not bound by defined borders, and
its energetic movement can be deciphered from a distance.
This phenomenon enables us to pick up emitted waves with devices
such as the EEC or the EEG for the heart. Our ability to comprehend
the inner workings of these waves is steadily improving. In
fact, it is only a matter of time before man devises a diabolical
contraption capable of brainwashing others via wave transmission.
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2004. All rights reserved.
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