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Wave Theory and Photons
(Continued — Page 15)

In Young’s experiment, two types of loops overlap, so that on the screen we obtain light and dark rings, as well as loops with visible magnetic and energetic matter. Using very precise instrumentation, we may be able to prove this. The following picture shows that every formation has two loops:

Podolsky, Rozen and Einstein’s experiment demonstrated that the velocity of signals (energy) in a light stream exceeds the velocity of light. This is due to the fact that velocity of light is wave propagation and the movement of energetic matter occurs in wave formations.

From the structure of a light stream (wave theory), we see that the direction of light depends on its source and the bodies it encounters, which redirect its stream.Additionally, it is influenced by the energetic loops that are situated in a transverse position, relative to the direction of its stream. Magnetic loops, perpendicular to the direction of the stream, separate energetic loops and transfer energetic matter between them. They also maintain the wave’s structure and its connections to other waves. Magnetic loops are surrounded by a corona-like energetic wave, which also extends to its neighbors’ loops and instantly transfers signals from photon to photon. Magnetic matter does not transfer the energetic matter it contains. Perhaps magnetic matter comes into contact with other matter by means of energetic signals that appear to undulate. Magnetic matter is connected as one entity (magnetic “corona”); therefore, signals instantlypass through it in all directions, at speeds that exceed the speed of light.

The fact that photons cannot exceed the speed of light indicates that some kind of energetic matter in space prevents the two loops from exceeding their own velocity (picture, below). This invisible matter surrounds us. We may theorize that it maintains all energetic creations in the universe as one entity, including their respective phases.

Although photons are united in what we see as a continuous light stream, they are individual wave particles that maintain themselves by internal paths. Every loop creates an alpha-like structure (picture, below) with neighboring photons, which stabilizes the formation of each photon. Energetic matter is responsible for the binding of photons between light streams. The neighboring energetic streams move in opposite directions, thus weakening the connection. Consequently, light streams scatter easily and flip the light to the opposite direction (by 180°). Within each stream, however, the connections are between energetic loops. This creates a strong “energetic rope”, which preserves the integrity and direction of individual streams.

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