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Wave Theory and Photons
(Continued — Page 4)

In 1862, James Clerk Maxwell used a mathematical equation to describe how energy could be propagated through space in the form of vibrating electric and magnetic fields (picture below). The “vibration” of energetic matter (wave theory explains vibration as a spinning or swirling movement) is apparently responsible for the dissemination of photons and transmission of energetic signals (changes of energetic activity).

From all the available observations, I only seethe rotation and swirling of natural formations that send signals (undulation). In mechanical devices they appear to “vibrate” or “oscillate” like radio waves. Nature lacks the power to support such sharp, up-down movements. Consequently, the formations actually move in a undulating (spiraling) manner. The famous experiments of Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday in 1881 showed that a magnet moving in a coil engenders energetic movement (picture below). The change in the flow of energetic matter from upright to horizontal space causes the “metamorphosis” of the behavior of matter into other behaviors.

Energetic matter must be transmitted between the two bodies along well-organized invisible paths (picture below), because the alternate behaviors and formations are repeatedly found in every natural formation.

As mentioned above, one loop has energetic properties and the second probably has magnetic properties. We may assume that basic electro-magnetic energetic matter is merely a swirl of spinning energetic matter, which by its movement creates two sibling loops in one formation, each of which contains different properties. Consequently, there is reason to beleive that everything is composed of electro-magnetic matter (waves). Galaxies create stars, stars create atoms and atoms create molecules that create all the structures known to man. In other words, energetic matter creates everything.

Einstein’s renown equation (E=mc2) can also be stated as M=e/c2. This indicates that there is no difference between matter and energy.

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