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Wave Theory and Photons
(Continued — Page 22)

It is a known research paradox that streams of light that derive from different sources and ultimately meet (picture below) all have the same velocity and properties. The following pictures illustrate how light streams meet. We see that the streams of magnetic rings that rotate in vertical positions flow in the same direction as their neighboring streams. The magnetic rings are pulled toward the others. The energetic rings, located in a transversal position between the magnetic rings and their streams, flow in one direction along their transversal paths. These streams flow in an opposite direction, but to neighboring energetic streams. Although the energetic flow is in different directions, the energetic rings have wrapping properties that maintain the unity of each stream. From the following pictures, we see why there is no change in light velocity when the streams meet.

As such, photons are unstable wave particles containing two easily “separable” loops. Helium atoms, with four loops (two photons) — two energetic (protons) and two magnetic (neutrons) — are the first stable atoms or particles (picture below).

The atom contains a solid double connection: the energetic loops of each wave (photon) intermingle with the magnetic loops of the other. In a light stream, only the magnetic loops connect with each other, so the connection is weaker and the particles of light scatter easily.

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