Dr Chaim H. Tejman
Grand unified Theory Wave theory
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The fundamental force(only one !!)

United Nature Theory- Wave Theory- The theory of everything.

Tejman Henry Chaim, Dr.

The prevalent and prevailing consensus points to four fundamental forces — electromagnetism,gravitation, as well as strong and weak nuclear forces— but I aver that there is only one force: energetic matter. The energetic matter (fundamental force) creates wave formations are expressed exclusively by the two principle behaviors (forces) of pushing and pulling. All observation indicate that nature create only one force and the other forces are created from this one fundamental force.

Energetic matter , (fundamental force) ,creates its own energetic path by means of its spinning and swirling, mobile behavior. Sparks, lightening, and thunder (quarks) are common examples of this phenomena (pictures below) which can also be observed in Wilson chambers and in the aftermath of supernova explosions, all of which are classical example of the singular fundamental force.

Wave formation (quant) by the fundamental force


 The revolving and rotation movement of energetic matter, (fundamental force) along its path forms closed formations that are comprised of two semi loops aligned in two, intertwined circular structures (picture, right). This formation constitutes a main fundamental force that essentially created and creates everything (including other forces) by virtue of the extant force that exists within the wave formation.

Absolutely everything is composed of this, and only this, main fundamental force of energetic matter. Nevertheless, the vast diversity that the natural world is endowed with is the result of the particular path and swirls in every individual wave formation. To follow is an explanation of the fundamental force (energetic paths) and their creative endeavors (see the chart at the beginning of the article) .

After the Big Bang and other similar events, energetic matter, (fundamental force), expands in the form of energetic paths spark-like (quarks) and by dint of their energetic revolving  and swirling properties (pictures below) form wave formations, gravitational waves (quant,bubble).

These two pictures illustrate the form of expansion of fundamental force  by pushing, revolving and rotation motions.(energetic path and bubble formation- gravitational waves).

The swirling and fundamental force spinning motion creates circular formations. To finish constructing the wave, the energetic matter must complete two semi-swirls rounds. The figures are executed perpendicular to each other, and their energetic paths are in a state of superposition.( Schrodinger's cats).

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The closed formation allows the energetic matter, fundamental force, to move along closed energetic paths and maintain its energetic matter. It creates two internal swirls (vortices), which are neither identical nor symmetrical. In other words, the same type of energetic matter that moves along a common path that is shared by both swirls within a particular wave formation. Nevertheless, the swirls do not allways contain equal amounts of energy  are in constant competition.

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The Magnetic semi Loop
In magnetic loops (swirls), the energetic path, (fundamental force) and space are aligned in shrinking concentrations, and the energy in the energetic path (quark) faces towards the inside of the formation. Consequently, the loop has pulling (gravitational) properties that enables it to concentrate significant amounts of energy, as postulated in the Pauli Principle, which safeguards the structural integrity of the (energetic formation) wave (picture below). The palpable magnetic loop affords the wave formation with many opportunities, including the creation of other formations, as seen in supernova explosions.


Wave formations (quant,bubble)

magnetic semi loop

energetic semi loop fundamental force

 The Energetic Loop

In the larger energetic loop (picture below), energetic matter fundamental force, has pushing and expanding properties (such as dark matter). It is also endowed with pulling properties that are explained by gravitational waves.(refer to gravity – wave theory chapter)  


In contrast to the magnetic loop, the energetic loop disseminates energy via its pushing properties, and its electromagnetic fundamental  force points outwards. Under ideal circumstances, like the photon, the amounts of energy in the electric and magnetic loops are equal, but the sizes of each loop are nonetheless disparate.

Wave theory clearly shows that like every classic wave the photon has two distinct loops. This runs counter to the scientific consensus, which assumes that photons consist of only one indivisible unit. This misunderstanding stems from the fact that the energetic loop is invisible; yet, it has always been measurable (2p2, 2p2a, 2p4).






 Polarized light (two planes of light propagation) the semi perpendicular=one wave                             

                                       Two semi-loops. (wave formation, qunt)

As such, the energetic loop disperses its energy while the magnetic loop protects it. The two neighboring loops are in a state of perpetual competition as well as superposition. We thus see that energetic matter, fundamental force,  with its energetic paths create only two main forces: pushing and pulling! In other words, this virtual form of energetic matter always appears in two states simultaneously.

Heisenberg’s remarkable intuition led him to suspect that energetic matter is not distributed in a classical formation, as was believed, and then proceeded to prove it with his famous “uncertainty principle.” In fact, this cardinal rule holds true for all energetic matter, be it immense or minute. Einstein also felt that his theories on gravitation were incomplete and thus devised his renowned “constant.” Planck similarly introduced a group of constants to overcome this problem. However, wave theory provides a unifying solution for all the above-mentioned scholars that is based on accessible observations from nature.

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Wave theory offers a coherent explanation for all the presumed fundamental forces (electromagnetic, gravitation, strong, and weak forces): energetic matter — shrinking energetic space and time — is the one principal fundamental force that created the universe and everything else! Colleagues have urged me to provide an exact definition of energetic matter. Initially, my research on this matter had me leaning towards a deep circle solution. However, I realized at an early stage that this is not the final circle. The notion that the universe is comprised of more circles appears to be the only viable explanation for how such an ingenious formation ostensibly appeared and appears out of the blue. In fact, I readily admit that the details are beyond my abilities, and I thus leave this epic task to the next generations. Nevertheless, at this stage I propose the following equation:

Energetic matter = energetic shrinking space and time- fundamental force

This formula may appear to be straightforward, but in fact it represents an extremely sophisticated virtual formation that paves the way for novel research (picture below).

Michael Faraday (1791-1867) sketched a map that outlines the location of lines in an electric field (lines of force). The lines are always inclined towards the negative charges (inside) and away from the positive charges (pic 6p8, eq6, 2p8ab), exactly as postulated by wave theory!

The pushing and pulling forces that are created by energetic matter, fundamental force , constitute the two primary fundamental forces of nature. Changes that take place in the relative position of energy along a path, between a wave formation’s energetic and magnetic loops, are what determine the particular force and phase transition [link to phase transition]. For example, formations with large energetic loops (like dark matter) are in a high-energy phase. Inversely, our moon, which loses its energetic matter and is configured in a cold (low-energy) magnetic formation, is relatively small (as it contains smaller energetic loops). Therefore, it has stronger gravitation and less energetic space.

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The electricity found in sparks, thunder, and supernovas explosions is a prominent example of primary energetic (ONE) forces (fundamental force), which by virtue of the wave formation creates everything.

Faraday’s beautiful experiment shows that these two — ostensibly different — forces are essentially one (adjacent picture). Waving a magnet over a closed, helical wire formation without actually coming into physical contact with the magnet induces an electric flow. This proves that energetic matter is virtual (but not in the sense that it is nothing). Moreover, it shows that magnetic and electric matter are in fact the same single matter. It is commonly known that impotent magnets can be revitalized by rubbing. In other words, by adding energy we can resurrect the magnetic force.

Strong forces
The powerful atomic force is also engendered by the energetic loop (common swirl=vortex).  It preserves the link between the two protons, as seen in the following picture of the helium atom. Neutrons divide the atomic confluence, while the energetic matter is charged with uniting the elements (pictures below).

Weak Forces
The weak forces are created by neutrons in the magnetic loop (vortex), which constantly attempt to maintain their energy (their swirls) . Moreover, as seen in helium and lithium atoms (pictures below), the neutrons preserve their energy in accordance with the Pauli principle. The entire atom similarly attempts to maintain its structural integrity whenever other formations attempt to engulf it. As Schrodinger introduced in his cats paradox, the weak and strong forces are in state of perpetual superposition and competition.

This forces (magnetic, gravitational), have small space, however minor in dimensions is powerful.  





 See "Atom structure", chapter, book II, wave theory by Tejman Chaim

              2001 (Congress library No.TX5-572-750 JSBN 978965-555-093-1)

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The final force is gravitation, which similarly derives from the magnetic/gravitational loop (pictures below).