Why Women life longer ?United nature theory-wave theory Tejman Chaim, Dr. Women live longer, that is the gift from nature and united nature theory explains how that happens.The physiological and functional differences between male and women have been a source for debate since the dawn of civilization. In the modern age, some scholars claim that the lone distinction between the women life and men life involves their role in the reproductive process. Notwithstanding the copious amount of philosophical dialogue over this issue, the procreative dimension must be separated from the political discourse, as the issue of reproduction is exclusively a scientific matter that pertains to the natural behavior of energetic matter.
The basic formation which we see in the sky are composed of two elements that together form one complexity, quant- wave formation.
Summary: From that we clearly see that magnetic{women life} semi loop feminine behavior which has the ability to store energetic matter and to keep its wave formation in complete{couple} form, life longer then the energetic masculine semi loop which disperses to the space. Nature explains exclusively in beautiful way why women life longer. From this nature basic wave formation, quant, (couple formation), magnetic semi loop (like women life) life longer and store energy and divide its formation and man which disperse his energy, his existence is shorter. Wave theory explains why sexuality exists, men and women that together create stable wave formation (quant), one can not exist without the second. Different article explains that woman lifef longer because they Sleep more, work differently, etc., however it is true that woman life longer as a gift from the beginning of the creation. It is true that interspecies jealousy exists but men has always a desire that his mother will prevail for ever. (see a Russian folk song in which a child wishes his mother and him will live forever.)
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