Infinite universe The continuum of creation and evolution (live cycles) Wave theory – United nature theory-Theory of everything. Tejman Chaim, Henry Dr.
Picture 1. Faraday's experiment In 1927, Georges Lemaitre published his Big bang theory describing the universe creation that evoked serious discussions in all social circles. This idea was brilliant for the religious community and also for scientist because different observations provided evidence that our “recent” universe started from’one place’ {point} and expanded. This theory relied on existing hints derived from Einstein’s General relativity theory. According to the wave theory, Lemaitre, with his idea, was correct because everything has beginning {created} and has its end through decay and all researches clearly show that the universe disperses. If this is the case, what happens next ? The question is, what was before the big bang and what will happen after the universe disperses totally?? Is it void? Does this notion can exist in nature? We are still to far away to understand the universe creation, and behavior but nature gives some clues by Casimir experiments and by the important Lamarck’s and Darwin’s evolution theories. The universe disperses by decay of old formations ,creation of new matter slows the universe dispersion { E.Hubbel and A.Einstains constants }. Wave theory claims that every new quant formation by different phase transitions behaves like his big bang prime quant {wave formation}. This implies that evolution is a natural behavior of the universe and every quant, which by different phase transitions disperses. If old formations decay and new are born that means that new universe can be born in the old Universe like every other formations. From living formations we learn that new formations are born in old formations and every quant like life formation behaves only in the same way as big quant formation, this means that the universe also behaves as a living formation. That means that our Universe is mercurial, continuum, moving living formation. Only “living” creation can form life formations, Which are copies of the main masterpiece. According to the United nature theory- wave theory void does not exist in nature. Evolution provides new formation in the old one which gradually decays. This means that GLemaitre was correct with the Big bang theory describing how the new Universe was created. It is also evident from different observations that the world disperses but the world can not be out of nowhere and can not disperse to nothing. And new universe appears inside the old universe or on its remnant. (like all living formations) that are also natural universal life cycles. What was the earlier media is still an open question.
Picture 2. Life cycles Wave theory claims that “empty space’ does not exist in nature. In order to define space we must define borders or energetic activity in some “space”. This means that in nature some media must exist which by energetic activity creates energetic space and when they appear then time appears, that those three media are woven always together creating energetic matter . That means that some sophisticated formation must exist, like Schrödinger Cats {exist and not exist}. From Casimir experiment we know of the force from nothing which can appears in different energetic levels. In vacuum “space”, different energetic levels will always exist which create vacuum motion -swirling motion, Maybe these swirling forces create Einstein’s energetic space time curvatures. Those swirling energetic space time curvature is an active force. forward moving force. By their revolving rotation FORWARD PUSHING MOTION created condensed space formations like nebula, quasar . black hole and condensed Other energetic matter formations. Picture 3: initiation of: picture 4: gravitational wave formation. Classical gravitational wave formation. The most elaborated formation is the black hole in which most condensed space –singularity expels condensed energetic matter in the form of quantum –wave formation. Nature theory clearly shows in the arms of galaxy M-51 how this swirling motion looks like.
Picture 5. galaxy m-51
That means that Einstein’s “curvature of space caused by a massive object” is explained by wave theory that this condensed formation is a consequence of pushing energetic space activity and not pulling, Casimir force that the scientific community accepts as a force from nothing. is this force of half photon. That is according to wave theory only energetic semi loop which starts creating wave formation . This is the main force creating wave formation. Maybe that is the initial force for everything. This is a forward moving pushing force by which every formation created like energetic space time curvature can be only pushing force meaning that all energetic formations are ruled only by this pushing force ,in other words ,all stable energetic formations including black holes is created by pushing activity force of the energetic space time curvatures and gravitational waves (quant) expelled from black holes singularity which also has only this pushing forward, this one force meaning that gravitation is a pushing force. I would like to stress that this idea was brought up by Georges-Louis Lesage (1724 - 1803) a Swiss physician and physicist and this idea was entusiasticly accepted by Newton who called the gravitation a force. But with lack of evidence Newton did not continue to develop this idea. Einstein intuitively by his rocket example demonstrated that for change to occur its gravitation to every direction must add force. Invariably there must be an added force. THIS ONE energetic force consequence of Casimir force from nothing creates one pushing force and this force is energetic space time curvature, which is created by its pushing force condensed space formations. Gravitation force is the only one forward pushing, these pulling properties of this force are created by its ingenious quant wave formation and the gravitational –magnetic semi loops which have only pushing force which pushes everything inside this magnetic semi loops which invade to her waves border. (see my paper gravitation). Only the ingeniously Hubble telescope pictures explain this sophisticated quant {gravitational wave} behavior without those beautiful pictures from the solar prominences it would have been impossible to explain gravitational wave force, only nature can explain this ingenious creation. It was hard to understand the gravitational wave behavior because one is not similar to other.We must get used to space laboratory like to conventional laboratories. They are very expensive but CERN collider is also not cheap. The summary of my idea: This one pushing swirling revolving rotation force, create by space time curvatures condensed energetic matter formations which create quant{gravitational wave} that creates everything.
Picture 6-7: solar prominence. See explanation and article “Gravitation” by Dr. Tejman. example is the black hole which in its maximum condensed point (singularity) expels this condensed space time energy (I called this energetic matter) that is expelled in quant equaled portions like black body radiation of Max Planck. Nature, by its similar simple mode of creations, creates different objects in the same "simple" way. That looks very simple, but this quant (wave formation) is the most sophisticated, ingenious creation. This ingenuity of nature that this “simple’ formation creates everything including our life and thoughts. Nature follows the law of simplicity in the creation and behavior in all its formations, big and small. Very complex formations are built of simple bonds and relationships by energetic formations. Those quant (wave formation with two- semi loops) create galaxies which create everything and by phase transitions create stars, planets, atoms etc. Quantum {wave formation} is the foundation for everything of the big universe including the universe itself. We are still farther away to understand quant behavior. Research indicates that our universe is 12-14 billion years old but older objects are found. It evokes discussion and by mathematical manipulations try to correct that, this problem can only be explained when a new universe appears on the old universe. From Lemaitre theory our recent universe appears after explosion and expands. From nature we don’t know that black hole explode but we see super nova explosions, that means that big bang of Lemaitre appears from explosion big enough like super nova. From Kaluza and Kleins idea, supported by Einstein , the universe is comprised of two formations {two- semi loops wave theory} in which the electric semi loop disperse and the second-magnetic shrinks and explode. Einstein’s idea, the universe can expand and shrink. Nature can’t hold only one part of the universe because only one semi loop is not a stabile formation and energetic matter circulation must also have two parts {wave theory }This energetic matter circulation can be only in closed wave formation {quantum}-and is in Schrödinger superposition, This means our universe has two possibilities According to Einstein’s idea, the universe can expand and shrink. Dispersion of energetic matter by swirls formation creates new big black hole for creation one new universe in the old. The second form of universe creation is by creating condensed matter formations like magnetic semi loop supernova which explodes and create Lemaitre big bang. This forms of universes creation can appear intermittently. This leads to the conclusion, that by life cycle the universe itself is born and disappear. (like living formations). this is a hint from the behavior of living formations. Even though the universe is a one formation which is dominated by gravitational waves which are expelled from center which in their apex
Picture 8: Conus nebula and explenaiton of gravitational wave which expel new galaxies in its apex. In the universe all the time a dynamic wild energetic matter explosions appears but all is in the frame of gravitational wave and under this hierarchic control of central formation. Absolute center closely associated with closed universe, (closed energetic space time formation), It is possible that the creation of new universes are interconnected by energetic paths to main universe and also under dominance of one center. (let us assume a new universe appears somewhere, it will immediately be connected to dominant universe due to lack of space between the two universes, because all of space is composed of energetic space formation and time, without which space would not exist. A perfect order exist in the universe, chaos doesn’t reside, the universe can not contain it. The wild energetic behavior of some formations the universe treat them (like a lazy boy), and the universe destroys them. After the big bang the small primary universe grows like Casimir “force from nothing” that create energetic space time curvatures {Einstein} which enlarge the universe. This Casimir force is one of the basics components of our sophisticated universe {energetic semi loop of quantum} The universe is mercurialy active, living formation which can be born and disappear but by evolution-living life cycles he is born again… and again continues infinite by live cycles. That explain that every universe has beginning and an end and vice versa infinitely by live cycles.
Picture:Universe life cycle. The main big universe has only one center, in which other universes can exist that are created but and only the strongest will prevail. That is the most beautiful creation that is beyond our imagination with its two semi loops, quant (wave formation), when one semi loop say yes and the second “no”(Schrödinger) and exist in the same formation simultanously and can create everything that is still hard for us to understand. The universe by its sophisticated virtual creation that exist realy is stil beyond our imagination. Summary: The universe is incredible formation, This ingenious , incredible, sophisticated formation, composed of two semi loops wave, quant ,closed formation, by live cycles (evolution), it is infinite and endless. '© Tejman Chaim. D"r. March, 2005. Book III We wish to express our gratitude to John Earnshaw for his delightful important photos.Picture 3 for our work.
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