Articles collection 2003-2005 United nature theory Introduction to volume III Quantum duality Einstein’s space time curvature~ wave structure of matter. United nature theory-wave theory. Chaim Henry Tejman, Dr. United Nature Theory – Wave Theory unites every discipline of science, providing a universal principle equally applicable to macro and micro- models. Similar to Darwin’s description of nature and to Mendeleyev’s puzzle work, it’s roots are based in the concepts of Einstein’s general relativity of space time curvature. The
main underlying concept of United Nature Theory proposes that a quantum
(introduced by Max Planck in 1900) is comprised of two semi loops as nature
shows. In wave formations-quant -duality one semi loop is energetic pushing
pulling like Kerr swirls and the other is magnetic gravitational shrinking with
condensation properties like the Schwartzschild swirl. These are
interconnected by paths promoting energetic circulation between them and are in
constant dynamic competition vying for super positions reminiscent of the Schrödinger’s
cat model. That is the most ingenious nature creation. This duality of
energetic matter formation leads to understanding the behavior of all energetic
matter formations as gravity quantum, Newton’s –Einstein’s time, fundamental
forces, atom structure, magnetism and electricity and introduces idea of life
cycles of the universe.
Stephan’s Quintet. NASA Galaxy M-51 NASA Wave formations- quant In 1932, mathematician Dirac proposed that the quantum is composed of four particles (2+, 2-). Kalzua and Klein proposed in 1926 that the universe is composed of two formations, this was supported by Einstein. The big bang theory presented by Lemaitre in 1927, reiterated the idea of changing space (Einstein). This spontaneous activity of energetic matter results in similar formation, but not identical products, as outlined in Feynman’s ‘sum over histories’. For complete understanding of the theory, I attach the summary of six articles ©Copyright ,Chaim Tejman Jerusalem 2005 Reference: The origin of species by means of natural selection1) C Darwin, WR Thompson– 1910 2) DI Mendeleyev - Journal of the Chemical Society, 1889, The periodic law of chemical elements (Faraday lectures) 3)Einstein A 1905 Ann. Phys. , Lpz. 17 891(Engl. Transl) 1952 . The principle of relativity (New York:Dover). 4) Planck M., Treaties on thermodynamics, 1926 5) FJ Kerr, JV Hindman, MS Carpenter The large-scale structure of the Galaxy - Nature, 1957 6) Schwarzschild, M, On the evolution of stars and chemical elements in Spitzer, L.; On the evolution of stars and
chemical elements in the early phases of a galaxy, The Observatory, Vol. 73, p.
77-79 (1953), - Naturwissenschaften, 1935 8) Philosopiae naturalis principia mathematica by Isaac Newton,1726 9) Tony Hey & Patrick Walters, The new quantum universe, Cambridge University press, 2003 10) Roger A. Freedman, William J. Kaufman
III, Universe-stars and galaxies 2005 13) P.A.M. Dirac, The principles of quantum mechanics. 4th rev. ed., Oxford, Press (1958 Cla
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