Chapter 1 - Introduction to
Wave Theory
(Continued —
Page 2)
These beautiful pictures from nature are the inspiration for
a solution for which we have searched many years. We know
that the laws that govern large objects also apply to small
objects and vice versa, allowing for different energy phases.
In different phases, there seem to be some changes of behaviour,
but generally the laws of energetic matter are the same for
all formations.
The beauty of nature (matter) is that the same formation can
occur in different ways. It is very important that nature
have different opportunities and possibilities
to create similar formations, and similar ways to create different
With the aid of telescopes, we see different kinds of galaxies.
Young ones have a great deal of energy, look more homogeneous,
have oval-round disc shapes and two outstretched arms that
seem to come in contact with dark space (matter) (see picture,
right). As every structure in the universe has a function,
we must look at these arms to discover their role. The fact
that young galaxies exist indicates that they appear (are
created) all the time.
Older galaxies have greater dark rings between light rings.
Those dark spaces are not
empty, but filled with invisible matter connecting the shining
rings, so that the waves rotate as one rigid object (picture,
There are also
“ghost” galaxies, which consist of energetic spaces
that can hardly be seen.
Not all galaxies share the same level of energetic activity.
The level of activity varies depending on the proportion between
dark and visible rings - the age of the galaxy. It seems that
galaxies and stars are in contact with their neighbours because
they maintain stable distances and rotate in their own energetic
paths in the same direction as other galaxies.
formations are always in proportional distance from other
galaxies and the universe. Invisible matter keeps the galaxies
together and also separates them. The area of a galaxy extends
beyond its visible borders and is in contact with other galaxies
In some galaxies, their edges disappear into space, blending
into invisible dark matter. In dark spaces, shining objects
sometime appear, indicating that dark matter can transform
from one form to another, that it is active space.
Because galaxies and stars go round in their stable paths
and are in connection with one another, there is no chaos.
Every object has its own place and energy level; each is changeable
at any given moment, but kept in its energetic path by the
tension of its energetic interchange with its neighbours.
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2001. All rights reserved.
[Summary] [Wave
Formation] [Photons] [Gravitation]
[Atoms] [Life]
[Cancer] [Fundamental
Force] [Gender/Why Sex?]
[Sexual Reproduction]
[Schrodinger & Heisenberg]
[Creation] [Supernova]
Matter & Astronomy] [Speed
of Light] [Cloud Formations]
[Natural Disasters] [Global
Warming] [Thermodynamics]
[Backward Time] [Quantum
Mechanics] [Compton Effect]
[Equations] [Predictions]
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