Wave Theory and the Universe
(Continued —
Page 3)
The universe, as with all energetic formations, could have
been created in different ways. One possibility is the Big
Bang theory. Wave theory maintains that every energetic formation
appears as an energetic swirl and, in time, creates wave formations.
To understand the behaviour of energetic matter, see the energetic
matter life cycle chart below (picture below). The cycle is
not closed, because the appearance and decay of energetic
matter, space and time is a very complex issue. I will try
to deal with this problem in later essays.
Before the Big Bang, there were different energetic levels
that created different energetic space. These spaces caused
the appearance of an energetic swirl — a concentration
of energetic space. This concentrated space created, in turn,
an energetic formation of swirling energetic space with a
tendency to shrink nearly completely into itself, while its
energetic levels increased almost to an infinite level (as
seen in the previous illustrtion). This energetic swirl must
have had a perpendicular or right to left rotation —
opposite that of formations appearing after the Big Bang,
which rotated from left to right. As the energy in this singularity
had no escape route, at a criti-cal moment, it exploded. Could
it be that swirls with the same directions of rotation are
After the Big Bang, a formation of energetic matter resembling
an exploding supernova, swirling from left to right, dispersed
into space like a nebula (picture to the right). From this
cloud-like matter, there appeared rope-like strings, paths,
and a pre-wave swirl. As organized energetic matter always
takes on a stable two-loop behaviour, the quarks began to
organize into a wave. Even at this early phase, the smaller,
magnetic part began to form. The inflated energetic matter
concentrated around swirling energetic universe formation.
By its movement, this matter created many paths (strings,
swirls). Our universe seems to be an open energetic loop,
as it would shrink if it were closed.
This huge, open, unidirectional cloud-swirl with its pushing
properties, which dispersed energy accumulated prior to the
Big Bang, created galaxies with an opposing shrinking property.
This pulling force reduced the expansion of energy trying
to return to the vast space it had occupied before the Big
Bang. The speed of inflating energetic matter differs from
the velocity of light, as matter tries to return to its previous
space in a minimum amount of time. Our universe is a defined
wave that expands into infinite universal space and will disappear
in time.
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Dr. Chaim Tejman, Copyright©
2001. All rights reserved.
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