— a Pushing Force
An active, pushing unidirectional force
(Continued —
Page 10)
Version] [Auroras] [Short
Black holes are essentially condensed accumulations of energetic
matter (see the picture to our left). We are accustomed to
the idea that huge black holes are only found in the center
of the galaxy, but in fact they exist in every formation in
the universe and obviously come in an extraordinary array
of sizes. The source of every black hole is the swirling condensation
of energetic matter. The prominence then returns as a magnetic
path to the energetic swirl and pushes everything it comes
across inside the wave formation, by dint of its swirling
Prominences also come in various sizes, but they all form
a closed formation. In other words, this form of gravitation
exists on different levels, and derives from its source. Consequently,
manifold waves exist at various gravitational levels —
namely, different sized prominences — some of which
are referred to as energy belts.

Gravitational loops in diverse sizes;

Occasionally, the spinning movement of the
loops engenders a prominence with a formation that is
identical to its progenitor’s. |



Solar Prominences |
The earth similarly contains various levels of gravitational
waves. For instance, the moon orbits along one of the many
gravitational belts that circle the earth. Incidentally, the
moon was created during the earth’s incipiency, just
as the latter was created when the sun was still young.

The sun, the solar
system, and the earth’s system
All stars and planets similarly exert their own gravitation
via “wave prominences” that are expelled from
their surface and adhere to the same principles cited above.
The ascending and descending arms create gravitational borders,
and each prominence (wave) reaches its maximum height. However,
every planet possesses different levels of wave prominences,
and the apexes similarly vary according to the energetic activity
of their particular planet. Consequently, every celestial
formation operates on a particular wave length through its
magnetic loop. The level of gravitation is entirely dependent
on the particular phase transition of the energetic waves,
which adhere to the indelible laws of nature. Moreover, these
levels serve as the specific entity’s gravitational
field, as the prominences that have been spotted by NASA possess
observable and limited gravitational borders.
Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2003. All rights reserved.
[Summary] [Book]
[Wave Formation] [Photons]
[Time] [Atoms]
[Life] [Cancer]
[Fundamental Force] [Gender/Why
Sex?] [Sexual Reproduction]
[Schrodinger & Heisenberg]
[Creation] [Dark
Matter & Astronomy] [Speed
of Light] [Cloud Formations]
[Natural Disasters] [Global
Warming] [Thermodynamics]
[Backward Time] [Quantum
Mechanics] [Compton Effect]
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