— a Pushing Force
An active, pushing unidirectional force
(Continued —
Page 12)
Version] [Auroras] [Short
Version] [Gravitational
As Einstein suggested, the universe can be thought of as
a large network in which everything is connected via the gravitational
loops of its wave formations. The universe itself is a wave
formation in which every energetic formation proceeds along
its own path yet all in the same forward direction. Moreover,
each formation is powered by its own vibrant energetic activity.
Therefore, everything is aligned into wave formations and
every formation is in contact with the formations in its particular
region. Gravitational waves only impact formations with the
appropriate dimensions and properties, and they do not react
to waves/energetic paths that are extrinsic to their particular
network. Humans, thus, only correspond with the planet’s
appropriate waves, which for the most part are smaller waves
in which the magnetic loop has gained the ascendancy.
Magnetic loops are constantly attempting to prevent the energetic
loops from escaping and dispersing into space. Our universe
thus operates according to a hierarchy in which larger formations
reign over the small.
All planets are living, active energetic matter that progress
as a result of their own exertions. They do not simply float
about in the galactic sea like a raft lost at sea. Jupiter,
for example, advances along its own orbit (energetic path)
as do its satellites, and other planets ignore the signals
and forces that derive from Jupiter’s path. Every planet
thus resembles the aforementioned, fundamental energetic packets
of the atom, which adhere solely to their own orbits —
magnetic loops. In other words, they only respond to the edicts
of the wave formations that comprise their own system.
This ingeniously efficient framework, however, does not carry
on forever. Energy constantly escapes and eventually every
wave formation disbands. Many senior citizens, for example,
lose their energy and have difficulties moving about or even
standing. A state of energetic balance ordinarily exists between
an entity’s “energy” and “magnetism”
(which Schrödinger termed superposition). However, as
the body loses energy, its gravitational properties gain prominence.
If we were able to supplement the amount of energy at our
disposal (and the rest of our systems were functioning properly),
the force with which we are pushed (not pulled) to the earth
would be countered to some extent. Consequently, it is evident
that the proportion between energetic and magnetic matter
in a wave formation determines its gravitational behavior.
When a space shuttle proceeds at a uniform speed, only the
application of active energy can affect the gravitational
forces that it is subjected to. People inside a space shuttle
or an elevator feel the change in gravity that results from
an increase in the amount of energy (pushing) that is applied
to the apparatus, which will also accelerate its speed. Einstein
intuition was correct!
Energetic matter is perpetually active. All its motion is
oriented forward along its energetic path where it comes into
contact with neighboring energetic paths that derive from
its original path and have altered their configuration. Newton’s
ingenious equation proves that some force causes energetic
formations to fall due to the acceleration of their constant
speed. We have established that there is but one force in
nature, so that the acceleration must also be a manifestation
of the same pushing force. Consequently, the medium of gravitation
constantly exerts force — pushing other entities —
in order to maintain itself. It is indeed a “living,”
active force that is potentiated by its forward movement to
constantly push everything it encounters. Therefore it is
vibrant and subject to the vicissitudes of all life forms
and is not merely an arithmetic equation. Therefore, we cannot
expect it to regularly conform to a precise mode of action.
Gravitation exists wherever there is concentrated energetic
space. Its exceedingly contracting space thus resembles an
upside-down pyramid. The whirlpool is a classical example
of the behavior of energetic matter. Its condensed energetic
space pushes matter to the inside of its formation. When experienced
swimmers encounter a whirlpool, they attempt to scrunch their
bodies into a ball and allow the swirl
to take them down. Eventually, the whirlpool will peter out,
and they will be thrown back to the surface.
The swirl is a potent energy source. Energy in its vicinity
accumulates and forms an energetic swirl that releases energy
from its singularity and creates an energetic path that moves
in the opposite direction. Consequently, gravitation constitutes
a pushing, magnetic half wave, which absolutely does not pull!
If a thick board were to be inserted on top of an object
caught in an energetic swirl (such as the aforementioned whirlpool),
the lower half of the swirl would be cut off from the wider
top and would be markedly weakened. Meanwhile, the upper portion
would continue to swirl robustly and expand. If gravitation
was, indeed, a pulling force, then the upper portion of the
swirl would have been neutralized by the board, as it would
have been cut off from the force that was ostensibly pushing
it down.
Due to the fact that space gradually condenses, every particular
point that comes across a specific “gravitational”
swirl is subject to a different degree of force. For example,
the bottom-center of a bowl of soup is always the hottest
(and most energetic) point, while the upper edges are the
coldest. This is merely indicative of the narrowing pattern
— the aforementioned upside-down pyramid — by
which gravitation advances.
Einstein’s theory of general relativity predicted the
existence of gravitational waves, or what is more commonly
referred to as radiation. Wave theory contends that these
formations are magnetic waves that stem from magnetic loops.
Like any other wave formation, these waves are the product
of pushing, energetic behavior, as the only force throughout
the universe is a perpetually-active, unidirectional pushing
force. It then stands to reason that the flow of energy along
galactic arms/paths must be unidirectional, even in close
proximity to black holes. If there was a pulling force, all
the arms would lead into the center of the galaxy —
the black hole — but NASA’s photos clearly show
that one arm propels energy towards the black hole, while
the second leads out of the black hole.
Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2003. All rights reserved.
[Summary] [Book]
[Wave Formation] [Photons]
[Time] [Atoms]
[Life] [Cancer]
[Fundamental Force] [Gender/Why
Sex?] [Sexual Reproduction]
[Schrodinger & Heisenberg]
[Creation] [Dark
Matter & Astronomy] [Speed
of Light] [Cloud Formations]
[Natural Disasters] [Global
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