— a Pushing Force
An active, pushing unidirectional force
(Continued —
Page 13)
When Einstein worked on the problem of gravitation during
the first half of the twentieth century, he did not have access
to these beautiful cosmological pictures, which essentially
provide the cherished solution on their own. All that was
left for me to do was observe. Wave theory provides the theoretical
backing for wave structure as well as the behavior and properties
of energetic matter, but this is only the beginning of a long
The fact that gravitation, which is almost synonymous with
pulling and attraction, is in fact a pushing force comes as
quite a shock, but our collective knowledge will be refined
for eons to come. We can fully expect other surprises along
the way.
Different levels of gravitation, each
of which is characterized by a unique color.
1. Michael Rycroft, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Space,
p.219, 1990.
* Copies of this article have
been presented to the Swedish Academy of Science, Israel's
National Library, as well as other distinguished institutions.
Moreover it is being registered at the American Library of
Chaim Tejman, Copyright© 2003. All rights reserved.
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